
Friday, February 22, 2013


This is my first year doing my own taxes because my parents have always helped me in the past. In 2012, I graduated college, got married, worked in Wisconsin and Minnesota, bought a's a lot for taxes. I had to fill out several special forms and they took about 12 hours to complete because I had to file taxes for federal, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The sad part is, even though I am now a housewife, I will have to do this every year because my husband works in Minnesota but we live in Wisconsin. It sure is frustrating and I thank my in laws profusely for helping us figure it all out. I'm just excited to have them done! I know a lot of people get them done professionally or they buy the software to help them do it but I really don't think that it's necessary. Yes, it's a lot of work but none of it is very hard. I feel like I am a good example of someone with complicated taxes and I was able to figure it out. If you can afford to have someone do it for you, that's fine but I do think it should be something you know how to do for yourself. There are so many sources out there to help you and sometimes e-filing is free or you can get the forms for free from the library. This is just one example of how lazy people have gotten since the inventions of technology. We really need to learn to be more independent.

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