This last Friday was Cocoa (our rabbit)'s appointment to get spayed. We took her in about 8 in the morning. Surprisingly, she went willingly into her pet taxi and seemed a little scared. She got more scared once we were actually at the vet (probably because she could smell all the other animals). Then we left. This day was actually my birthday and it was so lonely without her. All day, I kept going upstairs looking for her and then remembering she was at the vet. Finally at 3:30, we got the call to come pick her up. They said she was doing well but still kind of sleepy from the procedure.
We took her home and she definitely wasn't herself. She seemed very very tired. She also looked a little funny because they had to shave her belly. She tried all her usual spots to get comfortable but just couldn't seem to. Finally, I think she fell asleep more because of the situation than because she was comfy. They had given her the first dose of her pain medicine but said that we need to make sure she ate, drank, and went to the bathroom for us.
She did go to the bathroom but we hadn't seen her eat or drink. Cocoa had retreated to under her stool and was very obviously not going to leave. We had read online that rabbits will go to their safety spot, usually a back corner or where they can't be seen well and just stay there til they feel better. So we put a little pile of food next to her and a bunch of hay. She didn't even touch it. We waited and waited and waited but HOURS had past since she last ate (at the vet) and she really needed to eat. We decided to try to give her a treat. She finally did eat the treat but even that took a little time.
Then the next morning (Saturday), we realized that she probably hadn't had anything to drink since she wasn't leaving her stool. We put a little water bowl right next to her and waited and waited. Again, hours later she finally drank. Then Saturday afternoon she was starting to be more herself and run around a little bit and go on her usual perches.
Sunday is when she was really herself and even went on top of her stool to be pet. Sunday was also the last day of pain medicine, which they must add sugar to because she took it very willingly.
Today, she is still under her stool but that is common for her, especially on sunny days (she doesn't seem to like the sun and we can only block out so much of it). She has been eating, drinking, and playing though so I'm not worried. I'm just glad she's okay! Everyone online says it's much easier to get boy rabbits fixed than girl rabbits. They don't even give the boys any pain meds!
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