
Friday, August 2, 2013

50 Books Reached!

Back in January, I decided I was going to read 100 books this year. After a few weeks of realizing how hard that was going to be, I backed off to 85. This is still more than most people I know. There are all kinds of people who have the goal to read 50 books in a year (roughly one a week). Last night, I finished my 50th book for this year! It's only a month after the halfway point of the year so I still have plenty of time to meet my goal (and I'm right on schedule) but I am so excited that I made it to 50! I will admit that most days, I read about 100 pages and I know that isn't realistic for some people so if 50 is your goal. that is still quite commendable. Most of my books are around 400 pages so don't think all my books are like Dr. Seuss or something either. I think the shortest book I read so far was around 250 pages and the longest was close to 800.

I've read several different genres but I do admit most of them are girly chick lit books. I have also read a lot of thrillers and murder mysteries, as well as others. Almost all of my books came from the public library, even though I do have a personal home library. I only check out 3 books at a time and I don't check out any more books until I finish those 3. I'm not quite sure how I decided on 3 but they fit in the crook of my arm nicely (I walk to the library) and I can finish them between a week or two so I can still go to the library frequently.

I keep track of everything on It's a free website that allows you to keep track of books you have read, are reading, and plan to read. It's all very  nicely organized and even linked to amazon if you want to buy something. If you are need of an online bookshelf, I highly recommend this site. The downfall is (to my knowledge), they don't have a phone app yet but there are lots of forums about it so I wonder if they'll be getting one soon.

Happy reading!

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