
Friday, September 20, 2013

Sick But New Fabric

My father in law and husband were sick last week (and still are some this week) and....I got it too. It's always miserable to be sick but to be sick while pregnant is just extra awful because you have your pregnancy symptoms on top of your sick symptoms and you can't take anything! Even some of the natural things, like herbal teas, you have to be careful about because they may not be safe during pregnancy or you have to watch the amount of caffeine.

Because of this, I have had to find even more alternative ways to feel better. I did take acetaminophen (the one pain reliever actually allowed during pregnancy) for my sinus pains, headache, slight fever, and sore throat but that's asking a lot for one medicine. I was thankful that last weekend, even though it ended up not being on sale, David and I bought a humidifier. That really seems to help your throat, especially now that the weather is changing and getting more dry.

I started drinking tea (for those of you who know me, this is a big deal because I really don't like hot liquids unless it's soup). It was a green tea so I had to watch how much I drank to be sure I didn't have too much caffeine but the steam and hot liquid seemed to help too.

Peanut butter is surprisingly good at getting rid of a sore throat and cough. I used creamy. I'm not sure if chunky would make a difference or not. Honey is also good but everyone knows that one. Oh and eating 3-4 marshmallows can also help a sore throat. Something about the gelatin.

And for the rest of my symptoms, I basically just have to put up with it. I do seem to be doing a lot better today though.

Now, onto happier news! I had ordered fabric from and it just came this week! Everything I ordered was on clearance (if you can navigate their site--which I will admit, takes some work---they have lots of good sales) with no specific projects in mind but that's okay! I'll find something. You have to order a minimum of a yard but after that you can order in increments of half yards. I also got some great batiks in a charm pack, as well as some buttons. If you spend over 35 dollars, you get free shipping!

It is a little weird to shop for fabric when you can't touch it or see it in person though. I think online takes away a bit of the experience but I do recommend them. They have a deal of the day that changes every day and they have a great selection. They even have name brand fabrics but I don't really go by brand (probably should but since I'm not making precious heirlooms that are supposed to last 100 years, I think it's okay to use cheap fabric. Maybe some day I'll regret it or give in and buy more expensive stuff but for right now, what I have works for me.)

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