Anyway, I had my glucose test yesterday at 28 weeks. This is a test every pregnant woman has to have in order to test for gestational diabetes. You schedule it in the morning and all you can have for breakfast is protein, like eggs, and water. Anything else and it's basically an automatic failure. Then you drink 12 oz of this really really really sugary drink that most people compare to flat orange soda. It's awful but not nearly as bad as I expected. Then you wait an hour and they draw your blood.
Something like only 4% of pregnant women have gestational diabetes but if you do test positive, you have to go back for a 3 hour test that sounds so much worse. Luckily, I don't have it. However, I am one of the few pregnant women that gets really dizzy and light headed after consuming the glucose drink. I wasn't even sure I could drive myself home since David didn't make it to this appointment. I was fine once I had a snack after my appointment.
They call you with the results. My number was 70 and from what I understand, that is the lowest you can be without being hypoglycemic, which is basically low blood sugar. Anything lower than 70 and you have to be treated for it. No wonder I felt so sick while waiting for my hour...!
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