
Monday, April 1, 2013

April Resolutions

With the first day of April here and Spring weather finally starting to arrive, there are some changes we are going to make in our household.

I love to cook but most of the time, I cook with prepackaged foods (canned beans, mac and cheese, condensed soups, etc) and it really skyrockets your sodium, which I've been trying to cut down on lately. Every time we cook with prepackaged foods, we add things and create a complete meal out of it. David and I have resolved to start cooking once a week (just dinner for now) without doing things this way. Eventually we'll incorporate this lifestyle more and more into our lives but slowly so we can maintain it. For the first couple weeks, I think it will be a lot of stir frys until I come up with new ideas (if you guys have any, let me know in the comments!). Because it's Spring, we have started our garden so having those fresh veggies will be really nice for this.

Also, we are cutting out TV one day a week. We have been watching a lot lately when we really should be getting more done around the house. It's our way to unwind and relax after a stressful day but we need to find alternative methods. It should also help our energy bill (every little bit counts!) so we are kind of excited about it.

p.s. Spring cleaning season is almost here! Expect a post about it soon

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