Last night my in laws came over to help us get the living room farther since the couch is coming tomorrow. It was a lot of work (and we still have some left before we can paint) but it's a lot better. Plus, most of the sanding is done and the dust is vacuumed up so that will save me a huge headache later when we are trying to keep the brand new couch clean. So we ripped up the carpet in the living room (and we had done the dining room carpet a couple days ago). We had left it on to protect the original hardwood floors while we were working. Now that the carpet is gone, our house is looking amazing! The dining room is basically finished (we have to touch up a couple paint spots, put the vent in, put trim on) and the living room is getting there. We also used to have plastic on our windows to protect them from construction and we didn't want everyone to see the huge mess going on inside. Well, last night we took the plastic off the last window downstairs, which is the HUGE window in the living room. This is what everything looks like now (the plastic is up for sanding purposes and with that in the way, it's hard to get a good view on the living room and I couldn't make it come out in its own picture either. Sorry I'm not the best photographer.)
Look at those wood floors and huge windows! To give you perspective, I am in the kitchen, the blue room is the dining room, and the room you can hardly see is the living room. Aren't those huge windows?? David and I were commenting last night how it feels like we've just moved in because we're starting to have (empty) finished rooms! Of course the picture doesn't do my house justice but it's finally starting to become real. These two rooms used to have the nasty (saturated with dust and grim) carpet, filled with cabinets (that have since gone in the kitchen), tools, plastic on the windows, etc. They looked so small because of how much stuff was in there. They weren't wall boarded. And that was probably 6-8 months ago. Now look! I have a house!
I can't see the picture. :(