
Friday, April 18, 2014

Elvis Bites

I had some bananas to use up and I was too scared to put them in a smoothie because I was afraid the noise would wake up the baby. Instead, I made them into a different delicious treat!

You slice your bananas (make sure you have an even number of slices) then spread half of them with peanut butter. Top them with the other half of the slices. Place on a cookie sheet and freeze for an hour.

Then, you're supposed to dip them in chocolate but I didn't have that much chocolate on hand so I just melted my remaining chocolate chips and put as much as I could on top of each banana pile. Then you put them back in the freezer for another 3 hours.

These are soooo good! The only problem is when you put banana in the freezer, it gets crazy cold! These would be better on a hot day than a day where my husband couldn't make it to work because it was too slippery out.However, this is a great dessert recipe that's no bake (another reason to make it on a hot day!)

(For those of you curious about the title, Elvis loved all things with peanut butter, bananas, and chocolate!)

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