
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Avocado Brownies

I always love combining avocados with chocolate desserts. I've done pudding and chocolate chip cookies before so brownies just seemed like the next step! They turn out a little lighter in color than traditional brownies but there is no green to be detected! I will mention that my 3 year old made these with me and she saw me add the avocado ("eww! I don't like those. It's green!") but she still ate two entire pieces (and wanted more!). I am myself am not a fan of avocado either but with chocolate, it's fantastic. It adds fiber and healthy fats to the dessert, as if you needed another reason to eat dessert!

This is the recipe I made. I only made a few minor adjustments.

3 avocados (I debated adding a third one, and next time I might only do 2 but I can't give an exact reason why)
most of a bag of milk chocolate chips
3/4 cup sugar (people had commented saying they brought it down to even a half cup or less and it was still good)
4 eggs
splash of vanilla
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt

I followed her instructions (it took my "special" oven about 40 minutes to cook them) but I misunderstood the stand mixer and somehow ended up doing this in my food processor. It actually ended up okay but if you have a stand mixer (which I actually do! Although I dare you to ask me where it is right now...) I would definitely use that instead! My processor got quite full and has so many ridges, it's hard for the flour to get fully incorporated so I did have to do it a little by hand.

But these were a hit! I love them, the kids love them! Only 187 calories per brownie (assuming your 8x8 pan is 16 pieces)! Awesome!

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