
Monday, June 24, 2013

The Last Week Updates

So as I mentioned, I was cat sitting (and apartment sitting) for my sister and then going to my parent's house for a wedding this past weekend. Boy, was that a busy week! Cat sitting went just fine but they live in the city and it's nice for a little bit of a vacation but I don't think I could ever live there. It's just not my lifestyle. Then, the wedding was lots of fun but I felt like I hardly got to spend any time with my family because the weekend was so rushed (we got there Friday night, slept most of Saturday, then left Sunday afternoon) so we might go back soon. On the way home, due to lots of construction, our exit was closed and we had to go the long way home. I was so angry because we'd been in the car forever since we had missed the last rest stop (also due to construction). It seems like our whole route was under construction!

Our bunny, Cocoa, seems fine. We had David's brother check on her once or twice while we were gone (she can go about five days with a full food bowl and a full water bottle). She is looking at me now though like, "are you here to stay this time? Or are you just leaving again?". It's kind of cute but I think we're all trying to get back to our regular schedules.

One other thing we did last week was go to my doctor appointment to listen to our baby's heartbeat! I hadn't mentioned I was pregnant before (I'm almost 11 weeks now) because we were waiting due to the high risk of miscarriage in the beginning but after hearing the heartbeat and knowing how much teeny (that's what we call the baby) moves, it seems like we have a very healthy baby. I'm due January 15th and so far, have experienced pretty much every symptom they said I would, the worst being the nausea and vomiting. They do say that should pass in these next couple weeks though so I'll keep you posted.

I think that's everything new with us. Just getting back to regular life and I'll try to keep up with blog posts this week.

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