
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Crab Salad

Yesterday, it was too hot to cook (we don't have a/c) and I needed to prep something fast because my husband and his dad were working on our house (so I didn't have any one to help watch the kids while I made dinner. Yes, I know I'm spoiled most days).

So I made crab salad. I used imitation crab, cut into small pieces. Then I chopped raw cauliflower, about the same size (I was worried the crunch of the raw would be weird but it was perfect!). I also added some chopped pickles, halved cherry tomatoes, peas, garlic powder, onion powder (I would've added some red onion if I had one), and a squirt of mayo.

Mix it all up and you got yourself a crab salad! Because the salad contained the protein and the vegetables, with the wrap or bread providing your carbs, I served it with fresh strawberries. I considered doing a whole fruit salad but that seemed like too many salads for one dinner.

I never thought to use cauliflower in it before but I'm glad I was brave enough to try it! I think you could add basically any veggies and it would still be good (corn--I know it isn't a veggie but you could still add it!, cucumbers, peppers, onion, broccoli)'s very versatile!

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