
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Orange Juice

I am one of those people that if I see people on TV eating or drinking something, I immediately want it. Most of the time, I'm not even hungry when this happens and sometimes, it's foods I don't even like! It seems kind of crazy to me but I am sure there are other people like me out there. The one thing that I notice most commonly is orange juice. I think there's something about the color and the fact that every character seems to have it with breakfast that makes it so appealing. In reality, I don't like orange juice that much and I despise the pulp kind. But if I watch enough TV with orange  juice in it, suddenly that's what I have to have. Then the next time I'm at the store, I pick up a carton (pulp free of course) and I get so excited and pour a big glass of it when I get home. That's when I remember that I don't really like orange juice. Maybe a couple sips are good and refreshing but after that, it's a struggle to finish the carton. I would also like to point out that the color of orange juice happens to be my favorite color (this probably isn't important to the fact that I want it so much).

I've actually had freshly squeezed orange juice before (boy, is that a lot of work!) and even with straining out the pulp, it still doesn't taste that delicious. I'd rather have apple juice (which I know isn't as healthy for you). The strange thing is, I really like oranges. There was a time when I was having one nearly every day. How can someone like oranges but not orange juice? They're basically the same thing except one is slightly more solid!

Okay I know this was an odd post but I just had to get this off my chest. I so desperately wished I liked orange juice more.


  1. 1. Carrot juice is also orange.
    2. I usually don't judge customers, but I judge them so hard when they order apple juice. Unless they are five.
    3. I love beets but I kind of hate beet juice. Texture is important.
    4. Remember when I read Holes and tried to eat an onion raw? The power of marketing...

  2. 1.I really don't like vegetable juices. I can tolerate v8 splash but that's about as close as I'll get.
    2. Why do you judge them? Are you gonna judge me for still loving fruit punch too?
    3. Yeah but beets aren't as juicy as oranges. I think it's different but I know your point about texture.
    4. ha ha yes I do! I'm surprised you're alive.

  3. No, because you're not pretending fruit punch is healthy. I hope.
