
Monday, March 9, 2015

Baby Poop in Bathtub

Normally, my husband handles bath time. Every few times, I wash but he stays to play. This is because we probably clean our baby slightly different so then everything gets washed and taken care of.At the end of play time, he always calls me in so I can have the towel ready to carry her back to her room and he hands her to me. It's just so much easier that way.

I love it when my husband does the baths because then I can get stuff done, like cleaning up her room or vacuuming my room (she hates the vacuum). My daughter loves bath time and will stay in there until she's shivering (although we do have a bath room heater so she can stay in longer. We got it as a very thoughtful Christmas present).

Yesterday, my husband had a work call that he occupied him for 15 hours (yeah, I know. His job is nuts. He wasn't even on call!). In other words, I had to handle bath time by myself because even though we don't bathe her every day, it was time. I ran the tub, washed her all over, and then she started to play. She got about 5 minutes of bath time before she got a look on her face. It didn't register with me that she was pooping until ploooop, out came the poop. I got her out of the tub, cleaned her up, and did a poor job drying her (it's so much easier with two people! Maybe if your baby can stand, you can put them on the bath mat and dry them off but she isn't ready for that yet). Then I drained the tub and got her ready.

Now, you have to not only clean the tub and the bath mat, you also have to clean all the bath toys. This is such a pain. I looked up different ways people go about this online. Some people just clean the tub with regular cleaner and clean the toys with soap and water. Others use a bleach solution of some sort and/or boiling water. I decided to go the lazy route and do the cleaner with soap and water. I figure with all the other germs she comes into contact with every day (crawling around on a floor people walk on in shoes, putting everything and anything in her mouth, things that have been in other kid's mouths first, etc) that this can't be all that bad.

Either way, I hope this never happens again (although some people say around a year is when kids start) and, unrelated, we are going to start potty training her! I'm surprisingly excited about it. We ordered her potty on Amazon today so I will be sure to do a review of it when it comes.

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