
Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to Get Rid of Ants

You're probably going to think we have a really messy kitchen but I assure you, we don't. Part of the problem is we don't have trim on the kitchen windows, which make them not sealed to the outside. But we have ants in our house. They come in through the crack by the window and then they travel all around the counter tops in search of food. They drive me crazy and get everywhere but I can't spray chemicals since I'm pregnant.

However, there are some things you can do. We choose the method of using cinnamon (all along the window sill to prevent more ants from coming in and then the other ants just die off because they can't go back home) because we happen to have a ton of it from David's mom but you can choose whatever method works best for you.

  • Any form of talc keeps them away. This includes baby powder, some chalks, and of course plain talc. 
  • Certain scents like cinnamon, vinegar, black or cayenne pepper, and bay leaves can also keep the ants away. 
  • If you can find it, plug the hole. It could be as easy as a little caulk, plaster, or in our case, putting trim on. (We're getting to it but we just haven't made it there yet.) 
  • Petroleum jelly. This could be used in a line (such as along the bottom of a door) to stop them or it could be used to plug up their entrance point.
  • If you see the line of ants, you can spray them with household cleaners or bleach. This isn't exactly chemical friendly but they won't be around anymore! You can also use a damp sponge or cloth to sweep them up and into the sink or garbage. 
  • When there's only one ant around, it's usually the scout ant that is going to report back to the colony where they can find food. If you kill this ant (I'd suggest by squishing it), it can't report back. This could prevent more ants from entering your home.
  • Put down cornmeal. This won't stop the ants from moving around but they do eat it. Then their digestive tract swells due to the cornmeal and they die. 
  • It's also suggested to keep a clean kitchen, have a lid on food and your garbage can, and stay on top of it. Of course this is easier said than done but it still seems inevitable that at some point, you will have ants in your house. I hope these tips will help.

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