
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

New Phone

I don't think I mentioned that David and I got new phones last weekend. Well, the weekend before that if you really want to be specific. My contract was up in a few days and David and I wanted to be on a family plan since I was currently with my sister and her boyfriend. We went with Walmart mobile (I used to have lots of things against Walmart, especially after watching a documentary in college, but sometimes they seem okay.) which is through T-mobile. We were unable to keep our numbers since they had to be the same area code (if we wanted to be on the same plan) and I was still with my parents' area code (350 miles away...) so we both got new numbers. It's a bit of a pain because now we are long distance for both sets of parents and most of our contacts but with cell phones it doesn't matter anyway.

Just like last time, we each got the same phone (and I just have to say, I always pick first so he's the one who copies me). Even though the Samsung Galaxy S4 just came out, we got the S2. The 3 and 4 came with features we would never use and were like, double in price so it just didn't seem worth it to us. We are very happy with them but as some people point out, all smartphones are pretty similar. It's just a difference in operating systems. There are still things on my old phone I like so much better (like the LED notification light) and just have to get used to not having with this phone but apparently there's an app for almost EVERYTHING so most of my problems have been fixed.

The one thing I'm saddest about is one of my app meditations on my old phone doesn't seem to be available in the app market anymore and I'm not sure why. For now, I'm just using it on my old phone because it really, truly helps me sleep but I think I'm going to have to give it up soon. I haven't found anything remotely similar either so we'll just have to see.

I'm not going to do a real review of the phone because I don't feel very knowledgeable about it. I know what I have to know to do all the normal stuff I do but I'm sure there are so many features I'm unaware of that I wouldn't do the phone justice. Plus, this phone didn't come with an instruction manual! How is that possible??? This really baffles me. I can always figure out phones pretty fast but the manual can tell you about all those features you don't know exist! I don't know. Maybe this wouldn't bother some people but it sure bothers me.

I will mention that my husband thinks this is most slippery phone and we have both dropped ours multiple times. Our cases are in the mail, which is good because we've been lucky not to have anything break on  us so far but it's only a matter of time.

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