
Monday, August 5, 2013

Cocoa During Pregnancy

As you may know from previous posts, Cocoa (our bunny) lives in an area in our loft surrounded by 3 foot tall fencing. She has developed two petting spots: her step stool and her speaker box (we put weird stuff in her area but she loves it all!). Her step stool is actually so we can get in (we have a step stool on our side too) since 3 feet is so tall (but it has to be that tall or she can jump over it. Actually, she can still jump the 3 feet but since we got her spayed, she hasn't tried.) With both of her petting spots, you can just lean over the fence and pet her so you don't have to inside. You do have to go inside (or really really lean over) to get her more food and water though.

However, since I have gotten my baby bump, it is really hard to lean over the fence to pet her (at either spot, although her bench is a little easier because it's closer to the fence.) (I'm sorry all the logistics are hard to explain but my picture uploading never got fixed). I also can't lean over to feed her anymore and I really struggle getting into her area without losing my balance (a common pregnancy symptom).

This means, David has to feed her and give her more water every time (instead of just half the time). He also has to wait for her to jump on her speaker box so he can take her out and put her on my lap so I can pet her and give her some attention. (She knows she only comes out if she goes on her box and we'd like to keep it that way). So, in other words, David has to do a lot more work. He was also the only person who could reach her litter box without going in (that was true even before my bump) so he can hand it to me and I will dump it and refill it. Lately though, the smell of Cocoa's pee is so bad I can barely do it without throwing up. Another job for David! He's been a good sport about it all but I know it's only going to get worse once the baby comes. I wonder if other people have this problem with their pets during pregnancy.

P.S. Cocoa receives plenty of love and attention. She never goes thirsty or hungry. My pregnancy makes it harder to do things for her but don't worry, they still get done and she doesn't feel deprieved in any way. She probably doesn't even notice the changes.

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