
Monday, August 12, 2013

Painting While Pregnant

This weekend, our master closet was ready to paint! I haven't worked on the house much since I got pregnant but I really wanted to contribute so I looked up if I could paint and they say yes, as long it's acrylic or latex (not oil). So we gathered all the supplies and since it's a closet, I decided I should use a mask (kind of like the ones surgeons wear) and we had brought in a fan for ventilation.

We opened the paint, stirred it up, and I started to paint. I ended up taking the mask off because it smelled worse than the paint itself but within very few strokes of paint rolling, the paint smell was also too much to handle. I thought if I just took a break, got some fresh air, I would be okay. So I sat in front of the window, breathing in the air and I felt better. I went back to painting and did about 3 more strokes and basically called it quits because the smell of the paint was so strong (remember, pregnant people have an amazing sense of smell) I was just getting a bad headache and felt like I may throw up.

Needless to say, David finished the job for me. (I did end up finding a job I could do, which was pounding nails into our plywood flooring).

If you are wondering if you can paint while pregnant, the answer is yes, it's safe for the baby (as long as you're being safe about it---taking breaks, keeping the area well ventilated) but you may end up saying no anyway because it's just hard to breathe all that in. My advice is you won't know til you try but you better have someone there to finish the job (or least pour the paint back in the can for you and clean up) just in case.

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