
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Garden Updates

We had a frost advisory the day that the farmer's almanac told us to plant our outside plants so we haven't done that yet. I think to be safe, we are waiting until the end of May/beginning of June. This has just been such a crazy weather spring that I worry our plants might not have enough time to grow and be fruitful but we'll just have to see.

Our apple tree already has a couple leaves on it. This is especially exciting because my in laws got the same tree as us at the same time as us and they don't have any leaves on theirs yet. We also have a couple buds on our raspberries and on our blueberries. We aren't expecting fruit this summer but it's nice to see them growing. We must be doing something right.

Last night, we bought the tools we'll need to turn over our garden and get the dirt ready for our other planting. It will be a lot of work but at least it's a once a year thing (I think, I'd have to check on that). Gardening in general can be a lot of work but I've heard it can also be relaxing and a good form of exercise (believe me, you can build up muscle pulling weeds and raking and tending to your plants). I also got a really nice pair of gardening gloves that I'm excited to try out. Last year I had used gloves I found around the house  but they didn't fit very well and made it really hard to get anything done.

Pineapples were on sale at the grocery store this week so now David is obsessed with growing his own. I'm a little fuzzy on the details but it seems as though you can plant the top of them in a clay pot (which we also bought last night) and in 2 years of taking care of it, you'll have new pineapple. There are other foods you can from using the food itself like green onions and lettuce. Again, I'd have to look up exactly how to do it but I think that's kind of cool. It also sounds like you would grow these things inside.

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