
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Miscellaneous Updates

1. We bought an area rug last night for our living room. It matches so nicely and really helps decorate the room. I swear our living room now looks like those fake living rooms in furniture stores. It's so perfect. I wonder if it will last. We do still have some wall decorating to do.

2. We also bought the ceiling fan for the living room (I promise all these updates aren't going to be about the living room). It's not installed yet (but probably will be on Saturday) but according to the box, it uses about half of the watts as any of the other fans there, comes with a remote (I don't know why this excites me so much but it really does), and has LED lighting (not including in the energy savings the box mentioned) so obviously it was a lot of money (so was our rug) but I think it'll be worth it, especially since we don't have air conditioning. Plus the higher air flow will work out nicely because of our big doorways to the dining room and foyer.

3. Cocoa has started to chew on her (metal) cage more. I finally looked it up to see if she was missing a nutrient or something (like when people crave dirt) but no. It said she's either frustrated (like if you lock her in there and she does, she wants out) or she's bored. We rarely lock her in her cage because she has her play area (we pretty much only lock her in if we're cleaning and she gets in the way and even then it's only for like 10 minutes). So she must be bored but I have looked on several different lists of what bunnies should have to keep them entertained and she has ALL of them and then some more! We recently gave her an oatmeal container that she loves to chew but is scared to go in (which is understandable considering we didn't cut off the bottom). Then when we were at the dollar store, we bought her a slinky. She seems so fascinated with it and has fun trying to move it places but it only holds her attention for a few minutes before she moves on (but she does come back to it eventually). So we're not really sure what we can do about her boredom. She has everything she could ever want. She has plenty of space to play. She gets new stuff just about weekly it seems. She comes out a couple times a week and plays with us on the couch (under supervision). So we're out of ideas. The other thought is maybe it is sexual frustration. She's getting to that age (she's just a few weeks shy of being able to be spayed) and they say it can make them more aggressive and stuff so...we'll just have to see I guess.

4. Still no sign of lasting spring weather. It did rain here the past couple days but it's still only like 33 degrees and snow is predicted (maybe just flurries? I'm not sure). I don't mind cooler weather but I definitely want to get out of winter. We still have snow on the ground!

5. Lately I've been getting headaches any time any noise occurs for more than like, two minutes. I've looked up my noise sensitivity and it sounds like chronic migraines. Oh boy. I hope it's not that. But our neighbors had some trees cut down the other day and the chain saw was going for like almost 2 hours and I thought I was going to die. Then (we live behind the fire station) the fire department is remodeling some stuff so the little Cat machine putting stuff in the dumpster sets them off. And just little every day things like this. The headaches get really bad, they last as long as the noise does (sometimes longer), and I get nauseous and everything. I know my dad gets really bad headaches and sometimes stuff like this is genetic so I really hope that's not what it is but it's starting to look that way. Too bad I live in an unfinished house that when it's being worked on, can get really loud (hammering, sawing, drilling,...). I hope it's just a phase.

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